Our children are our most precious asset, but
what if an alien species saw them as Earths greatest resource?
A hotel at the edge of space; a close encounter
with an asteroid, and a journey that no-one expected, go to prove that space
tourism: the destination for those who have been everywhere, is not the
place you want to be when things go wrong.
A frozen planet appears from the depths of space.
From beneath its ice surface emerges an ancient city. When the crew of exploratory
craft the Vern disappears, and with wild rumours of Zombies beginning to
spread the race is on to find out what really happened.

There comes a time when the last great war is
almost forgotten: a time when people grow and make what they need for the
simple lives they live. It is also a time of oppression; when overlords
are suspicious of the people, for now is the time foretold
in the
end devastation will be faced. Men will weep. Women will perish. Families
will be orphaned. Ruin will reign. Hope will be gone. Death will give forth
life. Out of the sun good will face evil in the un-winnable final battle.
Evil will be ripped apart. Good will be cast into pieces. The prophecy will
come to pass .
What would Halloween parties be without spirits,
ghosts and old houses: but be sure, be very sure that there is nothing lurking
in the shadows before you accept the invitation to step through the door
There was an old manor house in the quiet English
Village of Houghton on the Hill. It was torn down many years ago to reveal
a hidden stone cellar: in the cellar were two bricked up arches. No one
knew what was behind the bricks, until the child went missing.
Left alone the rainforest will quickly take back
what has been taken from it. Nature will obliterate the marks of human hands
beneath vine and creeper
unless the legacy has so poisoned the soil
it is beyond redemption. Then the wound may not heal. Year may pass upon
year; lifetimes may come and go before the evil is purged from the ground,
or until by fate someone happens onto the scene. A person who unknowingly
can cleanse the ground, or unwillingly be corrupted with it

Meet Jet, a disillusioned soldier who's seen the
worst of humanity and is tired of playing by the rules; and Chub, a man
who's lived his life balancing on the knife edge of the law, always just
one step ahead of the authorities. Then there is Rosie, the girl next door,
who's hiding dark secrets of her own.


Bloodthirsty Pirates: World War II; an Island
paradise, and a stolen Ruby with mystical powers makes a leisurely sailing
holiday anything but. Alone and trapped on an island two children must find
a way to save their parents before the Shah's mystic ruby brings time back
into order.
For 60,000 years the aboriginals were the masters
of Australia; but two hundred and fifty years ago that changed when Captain
James Cook stepped ashore. Cook wasn't the first to sight the Australian
continent: there had been many others before from both Europe and Asia,
but some say none of these were the first and there is reason to believe
that over a thousand years ago there was the first invasion.

There is a time far, far into the future where
all that has happened before is forgotten. A future where all people know
of is a century's long war that raged even before the systems were colonized.
Some believe that having the knowledge of how it began can bring it to an
end, but changing the past has consequences that no one could have imagined.



Welcome to Five minute fiction where you will
find a variety of stories written to pass the time on your daily comute
or for that coffee break. These stories have been written by starshipwriter:
narrated with the help of AI and are available to hear for free through
our Youtube channel



As the Allies fought their way off the beaches
of Normandy, Hitler, desperate to turn the tide of the war, unleashed his
vengeance weapons, the V1 and V2 rockets. These flying bombs rained down
on England, causing destruction and chaos, but ultimately failing to break
the Allied resolve. But what if Hitler had another card up his sleeve, a
weapon so powerful it could bring the World under Nazi control?
Stories of Morality
Most of the more popular, but not complete